1.   Armed with that information, as well as a cheat sheet that included the names of all eight reindeer, a handful of people manned the phones.

2.   But it quickly warms up to Fitzsimmons, even though at one point he forgets his routine and has to pull a crumpled cheat sheet out of his pocket.

3.   I check my cheat sheet once again.

4.   I compile a cheat sheet of pickup lines.

5.   Instead, it comes with a clear, plastic lid under which one can easily insert artwork, technical cheat sheets, photographs of the family or business cards.

6.   In the truck, Donahue flips through his cheat sheet of pediatric drug doses.

7.   One such site, cram.com, offers notes, study aids called cram sheets and cheat sheets.

8.   The hotel printed cheat sheets with step-by-step instructions for each system.

9.   The guy probably has a cheat sheet that explains the double switch.

10.   When I go to the hardware store this weekend, I will be fortified with my cheat sheet.

n. + sheet >>共 324
cookie 21.32%
ice 6.99%
bed 5.83%
offer 5.41%
fact 4.31%
information 2.92%
score 1.88%
tally 1.40%
tip 1.34%
cover 1.22%
cheat 0.73%
cheat + n. >>共 9
sheet 41.38%
code 20.69%
grass 13.79%
note 6.90%
allegation 3.45%
history 3.45%
mode 3.45%
month 3.45%
revelation 3.45%
每页显示:    共 12