1.   Anti-American protests have left the outer buildings little more than charred hulks.

2.   But these days they labor in the charred hulk of a building, in cramped, makeshift quarters while major construction work goes on about them.

3.   Rescue workers were unable to work in the car, which was reduced to a charred hulk inside the long tunnel.

4.   Still, the televised images of the charred hulks of the American Embassy buildings will likely haunt the travel industry in East Africa for years.

5.   The main gateway to Afghanistan is ringed by mines, pocked by bomb craters and littered with the charred hulks of destroyed aircraft.

6.   Yugoslav television repeatedly showed grisly footage of the charred hulk of the bus destroyed Saturday and the bodies of the people who had been trapped inside.

7.   All other houses in the area are charred hulks.

8.   Charred hulks of cars lined the streets.

9.   Democrat Glenn Poshard even ran a television ad that showed the charred hulk of the Willis van.

10.   The front line was littered with the charred hulks of tanks and jeeps, remnants of earlier battles for Jebul Siraj.

a. + hulk >>共 73
rusting 8.86%
burned-out 7.59%
charred 7.59%
twisted 6.33%
blackened 4.43%
sunken 3.16%
burned 2.53%
metal 2.53%
rusty 2.53%
abandoned 1.90%
charred + n. >>共 238
body 19.52%
remains 14.30%
ruin 3.38%
corpse 2.71%
wreckage 2.61%
car 1.84%
rubble 1.84%
skin 1.64%
bone 1.55%
wood 1.55%
hulk 1.16%
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