1.   Money from the charity dinner will go to causes chosen by the guests.

2.   Several hours passed while he sat there, knowing that Maud would be inconsolable at having missed a charity dinner.

3.   At a Washington charity dinner last week, Republican insiders committed to other candidates were salivating at the thought of working for Powell.

4.   During the recent Al Smith charity dinner in New York, Bush declared the departure of Yugoslavian leader Slobodan Milosevic was good news.

5.   He mimed gobbling food and guzzling drinks at a charity dinner to symbolize greed.

6.   Martinez said that for all the speaking he did in schools and at the charity dinners he attended, there were many more opportunities he turned down.

7.   Mo has a big charity dinner next week in Boston.

8.   Perelman can frequently be found at charity dinners, parties and nightclubs.

9.   Princess Diana is coming to New York City for a charity dinner.

10.   The Bob Chandler Foundation organizers offered to send a limousine to transport Davis to and from the charity dinner.

n. + dinner >>共 301
night 7.38%
award 4.79%
holiday 3.93%
potluck 3.26%
turkey 2.97%
charity 2.97%
steak 2.88%
team 2.59%
evening 2.49%
farewell 1.82%
charity + n. >>共 269
work 11.32%
event 9.65%
group 6.13%
organization 4.21%
tournament 3.77%
game 3.28%
worker 2.60%
concert 2.35%
auction 2.35%
care 2.17%
dinner 1.92%
每页显示:    共 31