1.   Agrell now chairs a group representing the nuclear industries of nine countries.

2.   But Sarah Brady, who chairs the group, wants tough federal legislation.

3.   Groups bring in speakers, share expertise with each other and meet one-on-one with the business executive chairing the group.

4.   Students, faculty, staff, community members and representatives of the Federation of Aggie Mothers Clubs participated in the dialogue, said Harper, who chaired the group.

5.   The group is chaired by Sarah Brady, the wife of shooting victim and former White House press secretary James Brady.

6.   The group is chaired by Masaaki Tsuchida, deputy governor for the government-owned Peoples Finance Corp.

7.   The group was once chaired by Hillary Rodham Clinton before her husband was elected president.

8.   An Islamic contact group on Bosnia was meeting Sunday to study a five-point plan for action by Pakistan, which chairs the group.

9.   Bangladesh which is currently chairing the group, will hand over the rotating leadership to India for one year at next summit.

10.   Clinton appointed Dr. James S. Gordon, of Washington, to chair the group.

v. + group >>共 783
join 4.60%
lead 4.13%
say 1.88%
accuse 1.53%
support 1.50%
include 1.48%
head 1.43%
represent 1.20%
have 1.17%
take 1.15%
chair 0.23%
chair + n. >>共 97
meeting 33.77%
committee 13.60%
talk 6.14%
panel 5.04%
commission 4.17%
hearing 3.40%
group 2.96%
session 2.96%
subcommittee 2.74%
conference 2.52%
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