1.   Because of its superior contrast capabilities magnetic resonance imaging is the current first choice technique for assessing instability of the cervical spine.

2.   Plain radiographs of the cervical spine in flexion and extension will allow recognition of atlantoaxial subluxation and subaxial subluxation.

3.   Probably he thinks the blood vessels of my brain are as hardened as my cervical spine.

4.   The cervical spine in rheumatoid arthritis Needs careful assessment Rheumatoid arthritis commonly affects the cervical spine, causing several well defined deformities.

5.   These high rates reflect the anatomy of the cervical spine and the dynamic forces that act on it.

6.   ...the discs in the upper cervical spine.

7.   According to Angels trainer Ned Bergert, the CT scan tested for acute bleeding on the brain and the X-rays tested for fractures to the skull and cervical spine.

8.   Experts are to testify how many pounds of force it takes to separate the cervical spine.

9.   He had been taken off the field on a backboard because he had upper-back pain, but X-rays of his cervical spine were normal.

10.   He wore a halo neck brace to stabilize his cervical spine.

a. + spine >>共 128
lower 9.58%
cervical 7.08%
fractured 3.33%
dendritic 2.92%
broken 2.50%
central 2.50%
sharp 2.50%
upper 2.50%
human 2.08%
long 2.08%
cervical + n. >>共 57
cancer 59.34%
vertebra 4.73%
spine 4.02%
cell 3.31%
strain 2.13%
collar 1.89%
mucus 1.42%
lesion 1.42%
injury 1.18%
dysplasia 1.18%
每页显示:    共 17