1.   The risk factors for pre-invasive cervical cancer, also called cervical dysplasia, and cervical cancer are the same.

2.   Osteopenia is a warning, not unlike a diagnosis of prediabetes or cervical dysplasia.

3.   Questions on cervical dysplasia and progesterone-only birth control pills.

4.   This can cure the problem if a woman has cervical dysplasia, the presence of abnormal cells, or carcinoma in situ, a noninvasive cancer.

a. + dysplasia >>共 13
hip 31.03%
cervical 17.24%
severe 10.34%
colonic 6.90%
ectodermal 6.90%
developmental 3.45%
distant 3.45%
epithelial 3.45%
further 3.45%
mild 3.45%
cervical + n. >>共 57
cancer 59.34%
vertebra 4.73%
spine 4.02%
cell 3.31%
strain 2.13%
collar 1.89%
mucus 1.42%
lesion 1.42%
injury 1.18%
dysplasia 1.18%
每页显示:    共 5