1.   Ceremonies have included Buddhist or Hindu or American Indian or earth goddess elements, whatever the couple wanted.

2.   Ceremonies included a video of NHL highlights, interviews with former Flames and streamers and foam pucks being shot into the air.

3.   Ceremonies included worship and religious sacrifice, followed by popular athletic contests.

4.   Departure ceremonies included shaving body hair of an individual and rubbing his body with ketchup, mustard, toothpaste, breadcrumbs, and cookies.

5.   Other ceremonies include drinking a potent local brew called posh, a firewater usually swallowed to the point of silly inebriation during special ceremonies.

6.   The ceremony also included the re-election of Van Nuys Democrat Bob Hertzberg as Assembly speaker.

7.   The ceremony will include speeches from park service representatives, City Council members and south Kansas City community leaders.

8.   The ceremony included the unveiling of a sign on the wall just outside the press-box entrance and brief speeches by team and media representatives.

9.   The ceremonies will include speeches from the Bralys and a fly-by of Air Force jets from England in the traditional missing man formation.

10.   The ceremony will include the playing of patriotic songs and the carrying out of one empty flag-draped stretcher to symbolize those not recovered.

n. + include >>共 1161
package 1.87%
group 1.67%
list 1.51%
plan 1.49%
measure 1.18%
figure 1.13%
speaker 1.10%
symptom 1.06%
coverage 0.91%
dead 0.87%
ceremony 0.08%
ceremony + v. >>共 208
be 34.14%
take 12.85%
begin 4.35%
end 2.88%
mark 2.81%
include 2.54%
have 2.28%
go 2.14%
come 1.94%
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