1.   In addition to retaining his post as Treasurer, Paul Keating was appointed to the largely ceremonial post of Deputy Prime Minister following the retirement of Lionel Bowen.

2.   Shameem Alam Khan was appointed to the largely ceremonial post of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

3.   He replaced Sam Skinner who was given the largely ceremonial post of chairman of the Republican National Committee.

4.   Borodin currently holds a largely ceremonial post as chairman of a committee looking into a possible union of Russia and Belarus.

5.   But in a debate on the future of the man who holds the largely ceremonial post, the Knesset remained divided along party lines.

6.   Clinton has yet to settle on a choice for the more ceremonial post of campaign chairman, and officials said one might not be chosen any time soon.

7.   Earlier this week, Hu was appointed vice president of China, a traditionally ceremonial post that has been revamped as a possible springboard to top leadership.

8.   Freedom Party head Joerg Haider has also hinted that his party might nominate a candidate in January to run for the largely ceremonial post.

9.   Indeed, the Likud leader, Ariel Sharon, is said to have chosen him as a candidate for the largely ceremonial post because he had so few enemies.

10.   In the past, he vice presidency has been a mainly ceremonial post.

a. + post >>共 742
cabinet 8.51%
new 6.81%
top 5.51%
military 4.33%
key 3.48%
far 3.46%
right 3.20%
left 2.92%
low 2.73%
ministerial 2.32%
ceremonial 1.45%
ceremonial + n. >>共 387
pitch 8.74%
post 7.66%
role 3.79%
occasion 2.86%
head 2.24%
position 2.17%
opening 1.93%
duty 1.70%
function 1.62%
event 1.39%
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