1.   I once watched a Gamow bag quite dramatically save the life of a trekker with cerebral edema.

2.   In severe cases, high-altitude cerebral edema results in death.

3.   The Korean man was suffering from cerebral edema.

4.   The steroid dexamethasone is an emergency measure that can temporarily relieve the distress of cerebral edema and pulmonary edema.

5.   The way to avoid cerebral edema is to ascend gradually over days, according to Dr. Eric Weiss, in an explanation of the problem for Mountainzone.com.

6.   Neither Vinals nor the guide with him could stand, both had frostbite and were partially blind from cerebral edema, Simonson reported.

7.   Sixty-one had cerebral edema.

8.   The most severe form of altitude sickness, high-altitude cerebral edema, causes the brain to swell and can lead to seizures and death.

9.   Those who developed cerebral edema were also found to be far more likely to have very low carbon dioxide and sharply higher nitrogen levels in their blood.

a. + edema >>共 8
pulmonary 48.72%
cerebral 25.64%
acute 7.69%
macular 7.69%
activated 2.56%
diabetic 2.56%
peripheral 2.56%
premenstrual 2.56%
cerebral + n. >>共 166
hemorrhage 29.11%
haemorrhage 5.12%
malaria 2.96%
edema 2.70%
blood 2.43%
artery 1.89%
approach 1.89%
disease 1.62%
atrophy 1.35%
exercise 1.35%
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