1.   Also Sunday, recovery efforts at the trade center site continued.

2.   As for the trade center site, Silverstein has said he wants to build four large office towers, as well as a museum and cultural center.

3.   As the primary person overseeing planning for the trade center site on behalf of state and city officials, Garvin will have considerable influence over what is built there.

4.   Astaneh-Asl is also a member of a team assembled by the American Society of Civil Engineers to investigate the trade center site.

5.   At the mangled trade center site, however, crews continued to work.

6.   Back at the trade center site, the work goes steadily to midnight.

7.   Back at the trade center site, buildings around the rubble pile had their share of damage, with shattered windows, smashed walls and piles of rubble.

8.   Bill Noesges, a night foreman of the operating engineers, was among the workers at the trade center site, talking about his wife and children and Thanksgiving.

9.   Bloomberg, too, noted that Giuliani had floated the idea of using the trade center site primarily for a memorial.

10.   After leaving the trade center site, Bush met with Federal Emergency Management Agency workers at their temporary headquarters in the Jacobs K. Javits Convention Center.

n. + site >>共 646
crash 10.42%
construction 7.97%
test 3.03%
weapon 2.80%
storage 2.54%
tourist 2.14%
auction 2.12%
missile 1.44%
accident 1.39%
bomb 1.31%
center 0.47%
center + n. >>共 490
stage 26.55%
court 7.69%
ice 5.32%
console 3.38%
position 2.40%
official 2.33%
line 2.12%
site 1.77%
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aisle 1.57%
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