1.   His life was saved by his cell mate, who has also been treated for burns, but is now back behind bars.

2.   Staff at Gloucester Gaol say the prisoner probably owes his life to his cell mate.

3.   The cell mate was treated for burns to his hands and later returned to the gaol.

4.   Both Kennon and Gottlieb have criminal records and were cell mates in a federal prison in Texas.

5.   Guards woke Clarno and his cell mates every two hours for a prisoner count, he said.

6.   Then she spoke up for her cell mate, a woman arrested driving home from a baby shower where she drank a couple of beers.

7.   When Ferguson mentioned to his cell mates that he was an artist, eyebrows went up, he recalled.

8.   A child being held in a city jail died after being attacked by seven young cell mates, police said Wednesday.

9.   Awawi toured the prison with a former cell mate, Iyad Jabari, also a Fatah activist.

10.   He slept on a straw mat like his two cell mates, in a hot and humid cell, the report said.

n. + mate >>共 141
team 14.32%
crew 8.11%
band 7.30%
cell 3.78%
backcourt 2.97%
office 2.43%
litter 2.16%
screen 2.16%
cast 1.89%
work 1.89%
cell + n. >>共 348
line 9.66%
block 4.95%
growth 4.77%
door 4.71%
type 4.15%
proliferation 3.72%
death 3.53%
nucleus 2.23%
site 2.11%
culture 2.04%
mate 0.87%
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