1.   The enterochromaffin like cell density was determined in randomly selected fields.

2.   The enterochromaffin like cell density is expressed as number of cells per mm mucosal length.

3.   There was no significant difference in enterochromaffin like cell density, histamine content or histidine decarboxylase activity between the groups receiving the three highest gastrin doses.

4.   Serum gastrin concentrations did not correlate well with changes in the endocrine cell density.

5.   The mean fundic argyrophil cell density was higher in women.

6.   Antral gastrin and somatostatin cell densities and fasting serum gastrin concentrations were similar in the two groups of patients with Zollinger-Ellison sydrome.

n. + density >>共 71
bone 39.69%
population 24.69%
cell 5.31%
electron 1.56%
argyrophil 1.56%
storage 1.25%
traffic 1.25%
breast 0.94%
crowd 0.94%
tissue 0.94%
cell + n. >>共 348
line 9.66%
block 4.95%
growth 4.77%
door 4.71%
type 4.15%
proliferation 3.72%
death 3.53%
nucleus 2.23%
site 2.11%
culture 2.04%
density 1.05%
每页显示:    共 17