1.   Dengue, a viral infection transmitted by mosquito, causes high fever, headaches, pain in the joints and muscles, lack of appetite and fatigue.

2.   Smallpox, a highly contagious disease caused by the variola virus, causes fevers, aches and a rash that evolves into lesions and scars.

3.   Tuberculosis, which is spread mainly by respiration but also through contaminated food and utensils, causes fever, weakness and a hacking cough.

4.   Dengue fever, which is carried by daytime biting mosquitoes, causes high fever, rash, nose bleeds and, in severe cases, shock and internal bleeding.

5.   Ebola, spread by bodily fluids, causes high fever and massive hemorrhaging.

6.   Health officials blame infected drinking water for the spread of the bacteria, which can causes fever, spinal problems, brain swelling and death without quick antibiotic treatment.

7.   The Japanese encephalitis virus, which attack the brain and causes high fever, vomiting and coma, is transmitted from pigs to humans by the Culex mosquito.

8.   Typhoid, spread through contaminated food and water, causes fever and intestinal disorders.

9.   Trichinosis, usually found in uncooked pork, causes fever, nausea and diarrhea.

10.   It is one of several that cause haemorrhagic fever and diarrhoea.

n. + fever >>共 169
swine 17.14%
football 4.77%
election 4.34%
pennant 3.69%
dengue 3.69%
merger 3.47%
soccer 3.25%
baseball 2.60%
cause 2.17%
lottery 2.17%
cause + n. >>共 270
damage 6.94%
cancer 6.94%
problem 5.95%
disease 2.98%
pain 2.78%
fever 1.98%
injury 1.59%
loss 1.59%
change 1.19%
illness 1.19%
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