1.   That was when a fresh spate of tremors rippled through the region, causing virtually no damage, but many headlines.

2.   A fire bomb exploded in a bank here Friday night, causing damage but no injuries, the Anatolia news agency reported.

3.   Also, he said, two surface-to-surface missiles hit the building, causing considerable damage.

4.   Two of the examples are Alphatec Electronic Plc and Somprasong Land Plc in which major shareholders hurt their companies, causing damage to investors and as well as creditors.

5.   A powerful bomb ripped through a newspaper office here early Monday, causing major damage but no casualties, police said.

6.   Three grenades were thrown at Madrid airport during Sunday night but missed their target and fell outside airport buildings causing virtually no damage.

7.   Unidentified attackers hurled a firebomb at Uskudar police academy here early Friday, causing material damage but no casualties, police said.

8.   It was on one of these trains that the fire broke out, causing serious damage to the inside of the tunnel and raising questions of safety.

v. + damage >>共 66
flood 9.09%
smoke 6.82%
cause 6.06%
fighting 5.30%
shell 5.30%
fight 4.55%
flooding 3.03%
shelling 3.03%
fall 2.27%
be 2.27%
cause + v. >>共 43
be 15.87%
damage 12.70%
browbeat 3.17%
crash 3.17%
miss 3.17%
trouble 3.17%
bleed 1.59%
burn 1.59%
bus 1.59%
choke 1.59%
每页显示:    共 8