1.   If you are not trying to produce live births, then cattle do have advantages over sheep.

2.   Though officials sometimes mentioned that poor peasants owned cattle, ownership was often concentrated and cattle usually had to be hired.

3.   In most cases reported the cattle have had access to housing previously occupied by pigs, sometimes several years before, or to land fertilised with pig manure.

4.   Cattle no longer have to go through the ring in numbered order.

5.   Cattle have difficulty gaining weight in cold weather because they expend additional energy trying to stay warm.

6.   Cattle have difficulty gaining weight in cold, snowy weather because they expend additional energy trying to stay warm and sometimes have trouble finding food.

7.   Cattle has taken on new significance for environmental and utility officials in recent years because of waterborne disease outbreaks linked to cryptosporidium.

8.   Cattle ranching has a certain allure, a glamorous image.

9.   Cattle have a storied place in Chicago history.

10.   Hogan said that to fully protect the endangered plants and animals, more cattle will have to be removed.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
government 1.92%
team 1.89%
people 1.78%
country 1.14%
state 0.96%
official 0.95%
man 0.88%
player 0.88%
woman 0.87%
cattle 0%
cattle + v. >>共 161
be 18.79%
graze 8.81%
rise 5.48%
have 3.72%
die 2.54%
eat 2.54%
come 2.35%
fall 2.15%
roam 1.96%
feed 1.76%
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