1.   Both cases hinge on what Democrats are calling the illegal treatment of absentee ballot requests.

2.   Both cases may hinge on whether J.P. Morgan fully disclosed the nature of the trades, involving contracts known as derivatives.

3.   But in the end, the case may hinge more on the written contract Belhumeur got from Reebok, and not on the wink and the nod.

4.   But their case still hinges on O.J., who will be called to testify again, possibly to conclude the case.

5.   Flint says that the case will hinge on negligence.

6.   He said the case hinged upon the vagueness of FDA regulations, and not on alleged victims.

7.   However, legal experts say the case hinges largely on less dramatic factors like antitrust law, newspaper economics and how the judge defines newspaper competition.

8.   In the end, for Reno, the case hinged on whether Yene was a credible accuser.

9.   Indeed, the bullish case hinges on the EMU.

10.   Lawmakers in both parties agreed that the strongest case for impeachment hinges on the perjury allegations.

n. + hinge >>共 213
case 6.96%
success 4.78%
decision 3.26%
deal 3.04%
outcome 2.39%
result 2.39%
election 2.17%
future 1.96%
plan 1.74%
dispute 1.52%
case + v. >>共 490
be 35.93%
go 4.97%
involve 3.89%
have 2.70%
pend 2.09%
come 2.05%
raise 1.18%
remain 1.14%
become 1.13%
take 1.02%
hinge 0.21%
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