1.   Friends and family were stunned, and the case gripped the community.

2.   His case has gripped the nation, generating hundreds of stories for and against the mayor.

3.   The case gripped much of Ukraine, which has witnessed the spread of many non-traditional religious groups since the Soviet collapse.

4.   The case has gripped the nation, generating hundreds of newspaper stories about the mayor, who has been restricted by his duties during the trial.

5.   The case has gripped much of Ukraine, which suffered heavily under the Nazi occupation, losing a quarter of its population.

6.   The case has gripped Ukrainians for years.

7.   The case gripped the country when Mrs. Smith first claimed her children were kidnapped in a carjacking.

8.   The case has gripped the nation, generating hundreds of stories for and against the popular mayor.

9.   The case has gripped the Romanian press for the past four months.

10.   The court case has gripped the nation, generating hundreds of newspaper stories about the mayor.

n. + grip >>共 219
panic 6.47%
fear 6.05%
fever 4.38%
hand 4.18%
violence 3.13%
tension 2.51%
chaos 2.30%
chill 2.30%
case 2.30%
crisis 2.09%
case + v. >>共 490
be 35.93%
go 4.97%
involve 3.89%
have 2.70%
pend 2.09%
come 2.05%
raise 1.18%
remain 1.14%
become 1.13%
take 1.02%
grip 0.07%
每页显示:    共 11