1.   It can even include invisible codes such as carriage returns, tab stops, indentations, and format changes.

2.   The file will be stored on disk line by line, with a carriage return after each line.

3.   Fixed strings are stored as the characters of the string followed by a carriage return.

4.   Strings are written as the bytes in the string plus a carriage return.

5.   I remember lying in bed hearing the metal type bars strike the platen and the bell preceding each carriage return.

6.   I demonstrated the use of the carriage return and went back downstairs.

7.   Punching the keys of an old typewriter, pushing the carriage return, and especially lugging it around provided a wonderful aerobic workout.

8.   There must be no carriage return above the text.

9.   There must be no carriage returns at the bottom of the QIF file.

n. + return >>共 481
punt 8.71%
kickoff 7.34%
election 6.03%
service 5.47%
investment 5.01%
refugee 4.71%
interception 2.58%
shareholder 1.92%
year 1.67%
kick 1.32%
carriage 0.46%
carriage + n. >>共 67
house 22.75%
ride 8.53%
horse 5.69%
clock 4.74%
return 4.27%
bolt 3.79%
driver 3.79%
road 3.79%
tour 3.32%
lamp 2.37%
每页显示:    共 9