1.   For career soldiers like Jack it was a depressing time.

2.   Parliamentary approval was not constitutionally required for Mitterrand to commit French troops to combat, since only career soldiers rather than conscripts were involved.

3.   A career soldier, he had died leading his men into battle at Spion Kop during the Boer War.

4.   As a career soldier, he is said to be genuinely popular in the military, an institution dominated by the ethnic Jordanian East Bank minority.

5.   A career soldier, Hale was the second-ranking officer responsible for investigating improprieties in the Army, including allegations of misconduct by Army personnel.

6.   A career soldier who grew up on a farm, Rabin was plain-spoken and unsentimental.

7.   A career soldier, Barak recognized the sounds right away.

8.   A few were career soldiers or members of intelligence or special forces units.

9.   Career soldiers often become political leaders.

n. + soldier >>共 252
government 32.25%
army 17.68%
rebel 11.11%
child 4.38%
alliance 2.83%
woman 2.63%
reserve 1.97%
junta 1.84%
career 1.71%
opposition 1.65%
career + n. >>共 772
path 4.13%
diplomat 4.02%
victory 3.56%
start 3.50%
choice 2.72%
move 2.64%
title 2.32%
officer 2.11%
change 2.03%
opportunity 1.99%
soldier 1.06%
每页显示:    共 54