1.   Attorney General Janet Reno is accepting the recommendations of entirely honorable career prosecutors.

2.   As the inquiry ground on, the career prosecutors who had been enlisted in the case became convinced that the Clinton camp was thwarting their work.

3.   Ashcroft said that career prosecutors from within the Justice Department should continue on the case.

4.   Attorney General Janet Reno and the career prosecutors in the Justice Department were reluctant to follow the money trail that led from Asia to the White House.

5.   Bill Fazio the career prosecutor, meet Bill Fazio the candidate.

6.   A Justice Department official acknowledged missteps in handling the FBI request, which career prosecutors never knew about.

7.   Career prosecutor Mervyn M. Mosbacker Jr. of Brownsville has been sworn in as the new U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Texas.

8.   Career prosecutors want to save some face for Justice by indicting the hapless Arkansas restaurateur Charlie Trie.

9.   Career prosecutors at Justice see the independent-counsel law as an affront to their professionalism.

10.   Del Ponte is the first career prosecutor to lead war crimes investigations.

n. + prosecutor >>共 121
government 25.00%
deputy 14.64%
tribunal 9.07%
city 6.35%
career 4.40%
court 2.98%
security 2.98%
police 2.98%
crown 2.33%
district 2.07%
career + n. >>共 772
path 4.13%
diplomat 4.02%
victory 3.56%
start 3.50%
choice 2.72%
move 2.64%
title 2.32%
officer 2.11%
change 2.03%
opportunity 1.99%
prosecutor 0.67%
每页显示:    共 34