1.   A few minutes later, his car stalled.

2.   But instead of slowing down, the car stalled completely on a dark street a mile from my home.

3.   But the car stalled.

4.   But the reason Matsushita had moved was to avoid Salles, whose car had stalled and was slowly coasting along the inside wall.

5.   Cars stalled on flooded highways in computer simulations at the same time that real cars drowned in real flash floods.

6.   For instance, have you heard the one about the high-school couple whose car stalled on a back road while they were on a date?

7.   His car stalled on the Prospect Avenue bridge over Brush Creek and was swept away.

8.   If this advice is not heeded and a car stalls in flood waters, motorists should abandon their vehicles immediately.

9.   If your car stalls, abandon it and seek higher ground immediately.

10.   Poor lady, you think, and you imagine that her car has stalled out and then you go on your merry way.

n. + stall >>共 373
talk 12.49%
negotiation 6.36%
process 2.81%
growth 2.59%
economy 2.51%
car 2.14%
front 1.70%
bill 1.63%
drive 1.63%
effort 1.55%
car + v. >>共 923
be 22.40%
have 5.28%
go 2.26%
come 2.19%
hit 2.01%
drive 1.99%
run 1.90%
crash 1.62%
pull 1.51%
stop 1.15%
stall 0.29%
每页显示:    共 29