1.   As Hevesi suggests, using the money for capital expenses or retiring debt would save money for future generations of New Yorkers.

2.   --Accelerated depreciation on new capital expenses.

3.   Accountants originally had listed it as a capital expense.

4.   All the block grants that have been enacted until now involved operating or capital expenses.

5.   Businesses would be permitted to deduct equipment and other capital expenses from their taxes.

6.   But administrative costs are reimbursed at a lower level than capital expenses.

7.   Capital expenses reduce the amount paid to the city.

8.   Capital expenses should fall and cash flow should improve.

9.   Greyhound disclosed this week that it is seeking outside financing to cover capital expenses, such as new buses, and the cash shortfalls that strike during seasonal slowdowns.

10.   If capital expenses were separated from current, or operating, expenses, budgetary issues would be clarified.

n. + expense >>共 279
travel 10.30%
interest 8.43%
business 7.76%
taxpayer 4.55%
government 4.18%
college 3.58%
funeral 3.13%
education 2.69%
company 1.87%
capital 1.57%
capital + n. >>共 533
market 12.98%
investment 8.34%
city 7.66%
flow 4.51%
murder 4.46%
case 3.48%
inflow 2.73%
increase 2.36%
charge 1.99%
control 1.94%
expense 0.35%
每页显示:    共 21