1.   Being a first-year coach on a team with little talent, no playoff expectations, and no salary cap money lowers the bar.

2.   All are completely out of salary cap money.

3.   By extending existing contracts, extra cap money could be generated.

4.   He said he told the Houston people to spend their cap money next summer on Scottie Pippen.

5.   His leverage vanished and his words turned more homespun when the Knicks used their plentiful cap money to sign Allan Houston and Chris Childs on Sunday.

6.   Not signing a long-term deal allows the Nets to easily untie cap money for the future.

7.   Of course, the Jets have finished signing free agents because it has taken all their cap money.

8.   Pitino might be better off re-signing Popeye Jones and Zan Tabak than throwing all his cap money at someone like Geiger ... Has Pat Riley mellowed?

9.   Small cap money managers say their shares have done better than large caps for decades, and that the stocks are only temporarily out of favor.

10.   So why not flunk him on the physical, put him on waivers in the hope that a team would claim him, and get his cap money back?

n. + money >>共 836
prize 8.21%
drug 6.55%
government 6.27%
taxpayer 4.91%
tax 4.14%
campaign 3.92%
aid 2.16%
grant 1.85%
ransom 1.83%
tobacco 1.60%
cap 0.29%
cap + n. >>共 200
room 19.10%
problem 3.97%
issue 3.97%
space 3.85%
rule 2.69%
money 2.56%
number 2.56%
stock 2.44%
reason 2.31%
restriction 2.31%
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