1.   But shortly afterward, the Voice of Palestine began announcing that cooking gas canisters had exploded.

2.   Prisoners were reportedly locked in a cellblock that accidentally caught on fire when a tear gas canister exploded, igniting mattresses.

3.   Sirens wailed, firefighters squirted water and the celebrants roared with joy when each teargas canister exploded.

4.   A gas canister exploded at a roadside restaurant near the German border, causing the roof to collapse and killing at least a dozen people, police said.

5.   A gas canister exploded in a garbage can in southern Paris on Friday, injuring eight people, officials said, as France faced a wave of terrorist bombings.

6.   A makeshift bomb made up of a large number of camping gas canisters exploded outside a Citibank branch office in the Korydallos suburb of the capital.

7.   A makeshift bomb made up of a large number of camping gas canisters exploded outside a branch of a U.S. bank in the Korydallos suburb of the capital.

8.   A tear gas canister exploded in the middle of a victory celebration at Kuwait University after liberals won the student union election, the Interior Ministry said Thursday.

9.   Camping gas canister explodes near ancient Greek temple in Sicily,

10.   One tear gas canister exploded on a protester and he bled to death, the Hong Kong-based group reported.

n. + explode >>共 720
bomb 40.42%
grenade 5.02%
shell 3.04%
plane 2.38%
car 2.28%
device 2.00%
rocket 1.69%
mine 1.45%
tank 1.35%
firework 1.21%
canister 0.28%
canister + v. >>共 62
be 25.15%
explode 8.19%
pack 4.68%
contain 4.09%
fill 2.34%
load 2.34%
surround 2.34%
fail 2.34%
fall 2.34%
miss 1.75%
每页显示:    共 14