1.   Buchanan argues that Kirk and Fahrenkopf, respectively former Democratic and Republican chairmen, should not decide which third-party candidates qualify.

2.   But they have made it a bit easier for candidates to qualify for the ballot in recent years.

3.   Candidates will qualify for elections in Georgia during the last week in April.

4.   Candidates can qualify in some districts and not others.

5.   Has any candidate ever qualified for federal matching funds and refused to accept them?

6.   In some other states, candidates qualify simply by raising a certain amount of money or being deemed by state officials as legitimate candidates.

7.   Independent candidates cannot qualify for federal matching funds during primaries because, by law, the money is only available to candidates seeking the nominations of existing parties.

8.   Presumably, under the system Bloomberg has in mind, candidates would qualify for the general election ballot in a similar way.

9.   Riley is now unopposed in the November general election although third party candidates can still qualify for local ballots throughout Texas.

10.   Some Republicans and legal experts continue to question whether a deceased candidate can qualify, while Democrats characterize such arguments as additional efforts to confuse voters.

n. + qualify >>共 475
team 12.89%
winner 3.87%
country 3.79%
group 2.37%
nation 1.58%
three 1.50%
candidate 1.34%
victory 1.26%
people 1.19%
player 1.19%
candidate + v. >>共 605
be 18.03%
have 5.79%
win 3.04%
say 2.36%
run 2.08%
include 2.04%
make 1.42%
take 1.31%
get 1.10%
do 1.06%
qualify 0.17%
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