1.   And both candidates favor a bigger military budget.

2.   And while both candidates favor tax cuts, they differ in methods and degree.

3.   Another telling moment came when a travel agent asked whether the candidates favored a law to prohibit discrimination against gay men and lesbians in employment.

4.   At the time, the earnest young candidate favored a blue shirt, a blue tie and a sport coat.

5.   Both candidates favor investing some of the Social Security tax receipts in the stock market, although they differ on how that should be done.

6.   All the candidates favor independence.

7.   Either by implication or explicitly, major-party candidates favor the continuation of the prison-industrial complex that the conferees objected to.

8.   Goldsmith has founded the Referendum Party, threatening to sponsor single-issue candidates in every district in Britain where the major party candidates do not favor a plebiscite.

9.   Neither candidate favors secession.

10.   Most Palestinians have looked at the elections with skepticism, fearing that either candidate would favor Israel over their interests.

n. + favor >>共 732
majority 3.18%
administration 2.71%
investor 2.71%
voter 2.43%
party 1.99%
government 1.67%
group 1.67%
law 1.63%
official 1.55%
odd 1.51%
candidate 0.96%
candidate + v. >>共 605
be 18.03%
have 5.79%
win 3.04%
say 2.36%
run 2.08%
include 2.04%
make 1.42%
take 1.31%
get 1.10%
do 1.06%
favor 0.23%
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