1.   Airlines and their passengers took a wait-and-see attitude, and there were no reports of canceled events.

2.   The British tourist Web site, www.travelbritain.org, has information on foot-and-mouth disease and a link to canceled events.

3.   The money would have been paid out regardless of how Versace died, and is intended to help his company weather any short-term problems such as canceled events.

4.   The number of canceled events grew so large that the government feared the economy would be hurt.

5.   The races here include a downhill run Friday that replaces a canceled World Cup event in Germany earlier this season.

a. + event >>共 984
sporting 5.23%
major 3.07%
recent 2.82%
special 2.36%
fund-raising 2.01%
first 1.90%
annual 1.85%
public 1.80%
international 1.78%
big 1.72%
canceled 0.03%
canceled + n. >>共 105
flight 19.14%
check 17.90%
trip 3.40%
contract 2.78%
season 2.47%
election 2.16%
order 2.16%
game 2.16%
show 2.16%
event 1.54%
每页显示:    共 5