1.   In the meantime, the Botanical Garden has campaigned to stop the project.

2.   Numerous outside groups campaigned to stop World Bank support for the project, and demonstrators gathered outside the bank headquarters here and cheered the decision.

3.   Cronkite lives in the neighborhood and belongs to a group campaigning to stop construction of the building because it would overshadow the U.N. complex.

4.   Earlier this year, Greenpeace successfully campaigned to stop Shell from scuttling the Brent Spar oil station in the North Sea.

5.   Environmental groups, who have campaigned to stop the dam, said they were delighted.

6.   In Peru, a lawmaker campaigned to stop a government sterilization program there.

7.   The Conservatives, campaigning to stop false claims for asylum, propose to house asylum seekers in secure detention centers while their cases are being decided.

8.   The Conservatives, campaigning to stop illegitimate claims for asylum, propose to house asylum seekers in secure detention centers while their cases are being decided.

9.   Cole, backed by the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust, is campaigning to stop the hedgehog barbecue.

10.   The move could again spark anger in China which campaigns to stop Taiwan leaders getting international recognition in countries with which it has diplomatic relations.

v. + stop >>共 224
do 15.82%
intervene 13.54%
sue 5.96%
act 5.20%
work 4.33%
use 4.12%
can 4.01%
fight 3.79%
campaign 1.19%
set_up 0.98%
campaign + v. >>共 143
have 8.77%
keep 4.11%
get 3.56%
save 3.29%
stop 3.01%
oust 2.19%
bring 2.19%
succeed 2.19%
change 2.19%
make 2.19%
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