1.   Party activists in New Hampshire rejoiced that the presidential campaign had finally started.

2.   The cinema campaign starts this month.

3.   A campaign has started to try to cut the rising number of children dying from solvent abuse.

4.   Because the campaign has started so soon, with many states moving up the dates of their primaries, the straw poll here could winnow the field.

5.   A national advertising campaign started.

6.   A TV campaign started last week.

7.   After the Russian military campaign started, Dolgalyov said that his captors tried to exchange him for Chechen prisoners.

8.   But the military is struggling to finish off the rebels, and the campaign is starting to look like a bloody stalemate.

9.   Congress can be expected to behave as Congress always does when off-year election campaigns are starting.

10.   He acknowledged that the campaign was starting to supplement its broader message with more targeted appeals.

n. + start >>共 1317
company 2.32%
people 2.20%
fire 1.93%
season 1.69%
thing 1.61%
price 1.11%
game 1.09%
government 1.07%
team 1.02%
talk 0.83%
campaign 0.40%
campaign + v. >>共 1078
be 18.43%
begin 4.00%
have 3.84%
say 2.54%
take 1.75%
continue 1.49%
go 1.29%
include 1.18%
make 1.12%
start 1.04%
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