1.   Before the election, candidates will have to boil down their campaign messages into a few simple phrases.

2.   With his wife Norma beside him, he climbed onto a soapbox to put across his campaign message.

3.   Alternative campaign messages, such as criminalizing abortion or mandating school prayer, are nowhere as publicly acceptable.

4.   And in an obvious attempt to win the votes of religious and social conservatives who rejected him four years ago, he broadened his campaign message.

5.   As Dole appears closer to nabbing the nomination, he has been retooling his campaign message.

6.   At a fund-raiser late last week, Clinton mocked the Bush campaign message.

7.   Alison Fields of Rock the Vote said she was disappointed that McCain had not pushed his campaign finance reform message in his speech on Tuesday.

8.   Almost all of these Democrats agreed that the vice president has stumbled by not quickly settling on a campaign message and strategy.

9.   Bush and Gore are competing for independent voters who were drawn to the campaign finance message of Republican McCain and Democratic Bill Bradley in the primaries.

10.   But how does that get transformed from a stump speech applause line into a campaign message that grabs voters?

n. + message >>共 410
e-mail 26.34%
telephone 15.13%
phone 11.16%
mail 4.67%
error 4.30%
text 3.43%
radio 3.13%
voice 2.70%
campaign 1.43%
computer 1.13%
campaign + n. >>共 537
reform 6.62%
trail 6.30%
contribution 5.55%
manager 2.75%
law 2.61%
finance 2.53%
issue 2.44%
official 2.25%
promise 1.97%
aide 1.85%
message 0.32%
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