1.   Both involve a chemical called dopamine.

2.   Cocaine use causes increased levels of a brain chemical called dopamine, which in turn constricts brain arteries.

3.   In particular, amphetamines act on a brain chemical called dopamine, which scientists believe is responsible for the euphoria the drugs produce and also their potential for abuse.

4.   Moreover, a brain chemical called dopamine regulates this clock.

5.   Nicotine works by stimulating the production of a chemical called dopamine.

6.   The cells produce a neuron-to-neuron signaling chemical called dopamine.

7.   The disease occurs when nerve cells that produce a crucial brain chemical called dopamine deteriorate and die.

8.   Without them, the brain cannot produce enough of a chemical called dopamine, a messenger that transmits signals within the brain.

9.   The work focused on a brain system in which brain cells signal each other by releasing bursts of a chemical called dopamine.

a. + dopamine >>共 23
chemical 31.37%
called 17.65%
missing 5.88%
vulnerable 5.88%
low 3.92%
additional 1.96%
efficient 1.96%
excess 1.96%
huge 1.96%
human 1.96%
called + n. >>共 280
strike 42.95%
dopamine 1.49%
strikeout 1.33%
meeting 1.16%
number 1.16%
police 1.16%
serotonin 0.66%
shot 0.66%
election 0.50%
ball 0.50%
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