1.   Around these parts, those gods are called Irving, the name of a local family that made it big in shipping, timber, paper production and oil.

2.   The ancient Romans had a two-faced god called Janus.

3.   The Greeks later called the god Zeus.

4.   The Greeks later called the god Jupiter.

v. + god >>共 89
worship 11.84%
appease 5.26%
honor 3.95%
represent 2.63%
go 2.63%
call 2.63%
have 2.63%
thank 1.97%
portray 1.97%
play 1.97%
call + n. >>共 1109
police 8.44%
election 5.67%
meeting 2.92%
attention 2.52%
witness 2.38%
strike 2.09%
timeout 1.65%
name 1.57%
play 1.34%
company 1.30%
god 0.02%
每页显示:    共 4