1.   The call followed growing public unrest with several confrontations between the trade union movement and the government.

2.   This call follows the LIFESPAN DC access rules which restricts access to a DC to the associated DC user or an interested user.

3.   Billing issues create the largest number of calls, followed by calls from people shopping for the best rate plan, Parsons said.

4.   More anxious calls would follow.

5.   Shortly after the first call, a second, more urgent radio call followed.

6.   Such terrorist attacks in the past have all been followed by calls for tough measures against the Palestinians and a suspension of peace talks.

7.   That call followed the public allegations against McKinney by Brenda Hoster, a former staff member.

8.   Their call follows recent visits to the U.K. by Kohl and Chirac, where defense issues were high on the agenda, U.K. officials said.

9.   There were demands that government stop giving corporate polluters tax breaks followed by calls for an end to expensive federal environmental regulations.

n. + follow >>共 1522
move 2.43%
decision 1.62%
announcement 1.42%
company 1.20%
attack 1.19%
arrest 1.18%
meeting 0.99%
action 0.92%
stock 0.84%
police 0.81%
call 0.20%
call + v. >>共 436
be 36.58%
come 18.49%
go 6.73%
have 1.41%
follow 1.01%
make 0.83%
place 0.74%
begin 0.71%
continue 0.68%
start 0.64%
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