1.   Others have called him arrogant, for flaunting his millionaire lifestyle.

2.   Although Maynard considers Philyaw a genius, he does not hesitate to call him arrogant.

3.   At a news conference Friday, he called Zeman arrogant and said he was only helping the antinuclear petition drive.

4.   A man at the next table was berating the young, disheveled waiter, calling him arrogant.

5.   David Trimble, the outspoken new leader of the largest Protestant party in Northern Ireland, does not disagree with people who call him arrogant.

6.   Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV, the West Virginia Democrat, has called him arrogant and demanded his resignation.

7.   She has been called arrogant, a prima donna, a softballer, a witch and a lot of less printable things.

8.   The idea that David Robinson was soft was always a stretch, but his strongest supporters never called him arrogant.

9.   The same man Hall called arrogant in the weeks leading up to Atlanta.

10.   Who are you calling arrogant?

v. + arrogant >>共 5
call 53.33%
consider 26.67%
find 10.00%
make 6.67%
prove 3.33%
call + a. >>共 1282
quits 7.80%
safe 1.28%
unfair 1.16%
motivated 0.98%
early 0.90%
unconstitutional 0.83%
old-fashioned 0.75%
unacceptable 0.71%
crazy 0.68%
stupid 0.68%
arrogant 0.60%
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