1.   In the chronic therapy of hypercalcemia caused by increased bone resorption or increased intestinal calcium absorption glucocorticoids are effective.

2.   Vitamin D deficiency Decreases intestinal calcium absorption, resulting in hypocalcemia.

3.   Also note that very high-fiber grains like wheat bran cereal reduce calcium absorption from milk by about one-third.

4.   And cholestyramine, a drug commonly used to lower cholesterol levels, may impair calcium absorption indirectly by interfering with vitamin D absorption.

5.   But the experts noted that calcium-rich vegetables contain substances like oxalates, phytates and other fibers that interfere with calcium absorption in the gut.

6.   But they also contain oxalates, compounds that interfere with calcium absorption.

7.   Calcium-rich legumes also contain compounds that block calcium absorption.

8.   Calcium absorption -- crucial to building and maintaining bone mass -- is linked to estrogen, and slows after menopause when the levels of naturally occurring estrogen drop.

9.   Certain foods must be eaten cautiously because they hinder calcium absorption.

10.   Calcium absorption -- crucial to building and maintaining bone mass -- is linked to estrogen, and slows after menopause when the levels of the naturally occurring estrogen drop.

n. + absorption >>共 38
water 16.35%
calcium 15.38%
glucose 7.69%
shock 5.77%
sodium 4.81%
iron 2.88%
carnitine 2.88%
chloride 2.88%
drug 2.88%
lycopene 2.88%
calcium + n. >>共 109
blocker 19.18%
supplement 10.05%
deposit 8.90%
intake 4.57%
level 4.34%
absorption 3.65%
channel 3.42%
deficiency 2.74%
supplementation 2.51%
ion 2.05%
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