1.   Coffee is for achievers, trend followers and caffeine addicts.

2.   It is not uncommon for caffeine addicts to get into arguments with family members and friends over their caffeine use.

3.   Once all the caffeine addicts are loyal customers, how do you boost your numbers?

4.   To find caffeine addicts, the researchers put an advertisement in a local newspaper asking for volunteers who thought they were hopelessly dependent on caffeine.

5.   Without their daily intake, caffeine addicts can experience withdrawal symptoms like headaches or anxiety.

n. + addict >>共 96
drug 58.81%
heroin 13.54%
crack 6.53%
cocaine 4.45%
sex 2.46%
dadah 1.04%
nicotine 0.66%
opium 0.66%
caffeine 0.47%
trial 0.47%
caffeine + n. >>共 58
consumption 8.49%
intake 7.55%
addict 4.72%
fix 3.77%
content 3.77%
withdrawal 3.77%
spray 3.77%
drink 2.83%
kick 2.83%
level 2.83%
每页显示:    共 5