1.   The delicious full hot breakfast, complete with cafe lattes, was served in our room.

2.   Although you may be overwhelmed by this Jane Austen revival, sit back with a cafe latte and biscotti and revel in the pleasures of literary movies.

3.   Cafe waiters jaywalk a tray of cafe lattes through traffic in the local version of takeout.

4.   Fewer friends will be sharing cafe lattes.

5.   Others relaxed under umbrellas for conversation and cafe latte.

6.   This morning some coaches around the National Football League woke up from their two hours of sleep, gulped their cafe latte and broke out the calculators.

7.   Five Saudi women sat in a coffee shop chatting animatedly about their lives over cafe lattes and sandwiches.

8.   In Tel Aviv, Israelis sip cafe lattes and cola at beachside cafes.

n. + latte >>共 13
caffe 32.43%
cafe 21.62%
mocha 8.11%
skim 8.11%
hazelnut 5.41%
skim-milk 5.41%
chai 2.70%
di 2.70%
double-tall 2.70%
grande 2.70%
cafe + n. >>共 124
owner 18.93%
table 9.78%
car 4.10%
terrace 3.79%
leche 2.52%
latte 2.52%
chair 1.89%
culture 1.89%
blast 1.89%
window 1.58%
每页显示:    共 8