1.   In one corner a mahogany sofa rose upon cabriole legs, its Aubusson tapestry upholsterings augmented with hassocks of antique paisley.

2.   A more diminutive table with slender cabriole legs has a striking, dark red Togidashi lacquered finish, rubbed to let the black undercolor show through.

3.   Cabriole legs, a carryover from the Queen Anne period, were often carved with highly detailed ball and claw feet.

4.   Each cabriole leg has delicate ankles and an acanthus motif carved on the bend of the knee.

5.   Furniture has cabriole legs and stair rails have turned posts.

6.   Have a bunch of Queen Anne furniture, the style noted for its curvy cabriole legs?

7.   The cabriole legs have shell-carved knees and claw-and-ball feet.

8.   The cabriole legs have shells carved on the knees.

9.   The cabriole legs, the arms, the chair back, and the front seat rails are all curved and carved.

10.   The front cabriole legs have foliate carved knees and claw-and-ball feet.

n. + leg >>共 194
pant 16.46%
anchor 5.97%
table 5.97%
rear 4.16%
chair 4.16%
turkey 3.80%
duck 3.62%
cabriole 2.17%
bum 1.63%
crab 1.63%
每页显示:    共 12