1.   Amgen Inc. and Interferon Sciences Inc. are among the other companies developing hepatitis C treatments.

2.   A look at one patient one-third of the way through the trials for hepatitis C treatment.

3.   But Aldrich cautioned several other pharamceutical companies are working to develop hepatitis C treatments, and there is no certainty that the Vertex-Lilly inhibitor will dominate.

4.   Doctors and regulators have accused the New Jersey-based company of inflating the benefits and minimizing the side effects of a newly approved hepatitis C treatment called Rebetron.

5.   Its introduction coincides with a rising need for new hepatitis C treatments because many patients are not responding to other drugs.

6.   Lemon and Dr. Donald Powell, director of internal medicine at the Galveston campus, expressed confidence that such research efforts will lead to more effective hepatitis C treatments.

7.   Schering-Plough Corp. and Roche Holding AG both sell hepatitis C treatments known as interferon.

8.   So she went on the standard hepatitis C treatment of interferon and an antiviral drug, ribivarin.

9.   The recommendation came right before Schering-Plough Corp. announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved an expanded use of its Intron-A hepatitis C treatment.

a. + treatment >>共 634
medical 15.67%
special 4.36%
new 3.57%
preferential 3.57%
better 1.98%
effective 1.79%
equal 1.66%
same 1.50%
psychiatric 1.44%
emergency 1.32%
c 0.08%
c + n. >>共 152
b 21.58%
virus 7.19%
infection 3.84%
grade 3.36%
patient 2.88%
share 2.40%
average 2.16%
treatment 2.16%
game 1.44%
match 1.44%
每页显示:    共 9