1.   Both groups with CFA had significantly more epithelial-cell staining than group C patients.

2.   But researchers say that not all hepatitis C patients need Rebetron, which can have severe side effects including flulike symptoms, anemia, depression and suicidal behavior.

3.   Doctors who work with hepatitis C patients are dismayed by such inequities.

4.   He said he spends much of his time working in support activities for other hepatitis C patients.

5.   Hepatitis C patients make up the largest percentage of people requiring liver transplants.

6.   In addition, the panel recommended increased testing for hepatitis C patients and those suspected of having the virus.

7.   In the absence of any treatment with proven long-term effectiveness, transplantation is the only option for most hepatitis C patients with advanced liver disease.

8.   Mayo is conducting several research protocols on hundreds of hepatitis C patients.

9.   The group provides it to hepatitis C patients at cost, which comes to less than half what ribavirin would cost in the bundled product.

10.   The panel also recommended increased testing for hepatitis C patients and those suspected of having the virus, which often has no symptoms at its outset.

a. + patient >>共 968
ill 7.74%
elderly 3.18%
new 2.30%
the 2.08%
young 1.87%
first 1.81%
former 1.81%
older 1.66%
dying 1.56%
psychiatric 1.49%
c 0.25%
c + n. >>共 152
b 21.58%
virus 7.19%
infection 3.84%
grade 3.36%
patient 2.88%
share 2.40%
average 2.16%
treatment 2.16%
game 1.44%
match 1.44%
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