1.   So currency-related stock buying has pushed the market in a counterintuitive direction.

2.   That buying pushed prices higher, and the short-covering fed on itself for the next hour.

3.   The buying pushed prices to session highs.

4.   The heavy buying pushed Treasury prices up and pushed down interest rates, which move in the opposite direction.

5.   Futures-related buying pushed up the Nikkei, brokers said.

6.   Late futures-led buying pushed the index higher at the close, they said.

7.   Futures-led buying also pushed up the broader market in late trading.

8.   While share prices rose throughout the day, they rose quickly at the end of the session as program buying pushed the Dow upward.

9.   Other analysts said that year-end buying could push the market even higher.

v. + push >>共 52
be 15.63%
buying 9.38%
selling 9.38%
trading 5.21%
buy 3.13%
fighting 3.13%
have 3.13%
get 2.08%
fall 2.08%
mourn 2.08%
buying + v. >>共 106
be 28.87%
help 6.25%
spread 4.17%
come 2.98%
lift 2.68%
push 2.68%
emerge 2.38%
continue 2.38%
boost 2.08%
contribute 1.79%
每页显示:    共 9