1.   As pressure on prices has increased, pharmacies have sought to enhance their buying power and reduce overhead expenses by growing larger.

2.   By using critical mass and monolithic buying power, we can change the way we do business.

3.   Salaries are rising barely as fast as the consumer price index, meaning most families do not have more buying power.

4.   They get away with murder because of their buying power.

5.   They have a competitive edge in larger buying power, enabling them to acquire stock at prices way below the small independents.

6.   And the state leveraged its buying power to get discounts, which now will be extended to pharmaceutical buyers.

7.   And, when Fidelity puts its buying power behind a stock, it usually goes up more than the market.

8.   As the economy recovers, investors demand higher coupons to compensate for the risk that the buying power of coupon payments may be eroded by rising inflation.

9.   At the same time, his new system clearly aims to preserve the immense buying power that the combined company will have.

10.   Before long, higher inflation would rob workers of the real buying power promised by their fatter paychecks.

a. + power >>共 912
political 3.59%
new 2.36%
electric 1.95%
western 1.93%
major 1.87%
real 1.50%
economic 1.36%
electrical 1.33%
colonial 1.26%
military 1.25%
buying 0.97%
buying + n. >>共 484
interest 9.02%
spree 8.94%
power 8.56%
opportunity 6.54%
support 4.36%
stock 2.91%
habit 2.29%
frenzy 1.83%
share 1.80%
group 1.72%
每页显示:    共 223