1.   In Miami, Jerry Rice wore what looked like an elongated butterfly bandage across the bridge of his schnoz.

2.   Judd spends a few scenes with a livid shiner around her right eye, and Freeman must wear butterfly bandages and, later, a cervical collar.

3.   The rigid strip resembles an elongated butterfly bandage and is said to pull open nasal passages gently, increasing the flow of oxygen to winded lungs.

4.   Eight minutes later, Safin returned to the court with a butterfly bandage taped to his eyebrow.

5.   His head was wrapped and a butterfly bandage put on at halftime.

n. + bandage >>共 28
gauze 25.45%
butterfly 9.09%
head 5.45%
knee 5.45%
plaster 5.45%
support 5.45%
compression 3.64%
eye 3.64%
ankle 1.82%
arm 1.82%
butterfly + n. >>共 162
ballot 20.05%
wing 5.21%
garden 4.69%
larva 2.34%
clip 1.82%
net 1.82%
tattoo 1.82%
effect 1.56%
specimen 1.56%
farm 1.56%
bandage 1.30%
每页显示:    共 5