1.   I bust a gut trying to finish that work on time.

2.   We busted a gut trying to get home on time.

3.   Although the Oscar-winning entertainer has spent her career making other people bust their guts, it takes a special someone to make her do likewise.

4.   I know that when Roger Clemens pitches, he will be busting his gut.

5.   How many NBA teams bust a gut every night?

6.   Junior will bust a gut laughing when Mommy topples from a dining room chair while dusting the chandelier.

7.   Bust a gut to learn Japanese on top of everything else, just to write a recommendation letter for you?

8.   Held out as long as I could but eventually gave in when it looked like he was about to bust a gut.

v. + gut >>共 81
have 34.77%
spill 8.94%
take 6.95%
hate 4.64%
show 4.30%
bust 2.65%
lack 2.65%
trust 2.32%
get 1.66%
lose 0.99%
bust + n. >>共 139
budget 8.90%
butt 6.41%
union 4.98%
chops 4.27%
ring 3.20%
tail 2.85%
gut 2.85%
knee 1.78%
people 1.78%
sanction 1.42%
每页显示:    共 8