1.   In the twenties the business expanded.

2.   Since its inception, the business has expanded to become a national retail chain.

3.   His business has expanded to serve the entire state.

4.   As can be seen the trend analysis once again confirms that although the business is expanding in terms of sales costs are escalating ahead of sales.

5.   Heavy duty coatings business is expanding fast, with protective coatings being used in the oil and construction industries as Viet Nam rebuilds its infrastructure following the war.

6.   As the banking business expands, institutions will have to increase the proportion of banks in their portfolio accordingly.

7.   As the business expanded, so did the building.

8.   Brochures with special measurement hints and instructions go out by the thousands, now that the business has expanded and includes computerized order-filling.

9.   But although many smaller businesses are expanding into cyberspace, some of the bigger companies have yet to follow.

10.   But child care businesses are expanding.

n. + expand >>共 926
company 11.74%
economy 7.56%
market 1.65%
bank 1.59%
business 1.51%
universe 1.36%
government 1.36%
bill 1.11%
program 1.02%
industry 0.97%
business + v. >>共 620
be 24.41%
have 3.51%
boom 1.85%
continue 1.60%
grow 1.54%
do 1.36%
go 1.35%
improve 1.29%
take 1.26%
say 1.25%
expand 0.44%
每页显示:    共 53