1.   But extra light will accentuate the bright colours of the leaves and accelerate bushy growth.

2.   Light to moderate pruning after a period of bloom encourages bushy new growth.

3.   You can pinch the tips of your young plant to encourage bushy growth.

4.   Marijuana has a bushy growth while hemp is a tall, single-stemmed plant.

5.   Pinch back the basil to encourage bushy growth, and eat the pinched leaves in a salad.

6.   Shrubby perennial hibiscus can be pruned almost to the base when dormant to encourage bushy growth and flowers.

7.   These roses combined durability, bushy growth, and fragrance of old-fashioned roses with the repeat bloom of modern hybrids.

8.   This promotes bushy growth.

a. + growth >>共 465
economic 34.20%
strong 4.05%
rapid 3.29%
slower 2.72%
sales 2.38%
slow 2.31%
slowing 1.57%
continued 1.54%
steady 1.46%
future 1.33%
bushy 0.04%
bushy + n. >>共 52
eyebrow 15.82%
beard 12.76%
hair 11.22%
mustache 9.69%
tail 7.14%
plant 6.63%
growth 5.10%
brow 3.06%
area 1.53%
fur 1.53%
每页显示:    共 10