1.   - Do not bury your capsule.

2.   After the funeral, the capsule is buried.

3.   If you must bury your capsule, mark it with a permanent plaque or sign that notes what it is, where it is and when it was buried.

4.   The durable capsule was buried in Flushing, Queens, in a crypt that incorporated Pyrex glass, water repellents and preservative gases.

v. + capsule >>共 87
swallow 7.95%
carry 7.39%
wear 6.82%
take 6.82%
use 3.41%
remove 2.27%
bury 2.27%
find 1.70%
sell 1.70%
break 1.70%
bury + n. >>共 774
body 10.65%
dead 9.02%
victim 4.68%
face 4.06%
head 2.71%
remains 2.15%
hatchet 1.79%
people 1.72%
child 1.51%
man 1.29%
capsule 0.12%
每页显示:    共 4