1.   Aerobic exercise, such as jogging or cycling, is a great way to burn off fat.

2.   Haulms are normally burnt off about two weeks before lifting commences.

3.   I need to burn off a few calories.

4.   The high sun had burned off the pervasive mist and cleared heaven and earth.

5.   The next morning was fine and clear, after a mist was burnt off the water by the rising sun.

6.   The plastic is removed by burning it off, a process that creates a haze of toxic smoke.

7.   You can use a blowlamp to burn off the old paint.

8.   Fires are lit to burn off the remainingforest and make way for agriculture.

9.   This will improve your performance and help you burn off calories.

10.   The fires are believed to have been triggered by the annual practice among peasant farmers of burning off land prior to the wet season.

v. + off >>共 462
lay 5.85%
cut 5.13%
set 4.53%
kick 3.62%
touch 3.30%
fight 2.65%
pay 2.52%
close 2.39%
break 2.10%
call 1.86%
burn 0.31%
burn + p. >>共 70
in 23.83%
to 17.22%
down 13.46%
on 6.21%
for 5.73%
beyond 4.64%
at 3.81%
through 3.25%
off 2.80%
during 1.36%
每页显示:    共 104