1.   Among the creosote bushes stood a bull elk, usually a mountain inhabitant, looking sick and need of help.

2.   An old diary records winter visitors, including bull elk with five points on each antler.

3.   A bull elk can also be dangerous.

4.   Game and Fish officers are seeking information regarding the poaching of two bull elk in late September just north of Williams near Espee Road.

5.   In the meadows and pine forests of nearby Grand Teton National Park and on national forest land, branch-antlered bull elk have begun their rut.

6.   No longer is an ample supply of testosterone required to bag bull elk or reel up trophy trout.

7.   The terrain across the bridge is precipitous, and at least a half-dozen bull elk were bugling, hidden from sight.

8.   Those steel muscles allow it to drag down a bull elk seven or eight times as large.

9.   We trained our binoculars on a huge bull elk and saw the fuzz on its antlers.

10.   They were imitating the bugling call of a bull elk in mating season, but that apparently attracted the female grizzly, accompanied by two nearly grown cubs.

n. + elk >>共 14
bull 37.93%
cow 10.34%
road-kill 10.34%
tule 6.90%
alias 3.45%
bag 3.45%
day 3.45%
mother 3.45%
nine-point 3.45%
ranch 3.45%
bull + n. >>共 128
market 64.91%
rider 3.94%
riding 2.33%
coach 1.88%
ring 1.88%
elephant 1.79%
trout 1.52%
semen 1.34%
shark 1.16%
elk 0.98%
每页显示:    共 11