1.   But bulk mailers have slammed Runyon for slowing the electronic scanning that can cut their costs.

2.   He also ordered bulk mailers to presort their own mail and moved to close many marginal post offices.

3.   If they are successful, this spam cartel would create a haven for bulk mailers and ensure a steady, uninterruptible flow of spam to millions of Internet users.

4.   Mail-order catalogs may get fatter and more frequent as a result of new postal rules for bulk mailers that went into effect yesterday.

5.   Now a small Philadelphia marketing firm is trying to institutionalize spamming the same way bulk mailers have made advertising circulars a fixture in mailboxes.

6.   Some bulk mailers supply a valid return address.

7.   The commission holds hearings to hear from bulk mailers such as magazines, and from citizens and postal unions.

8.   The new rates also widen the gap that bulk mailers pay for non-barcoded and barcoded mail.

9.   U.S. Postal Service governors today approved a plan to cut rates for bulk mailers who pre-sort mail and use bar codes to sort mail by destination.

10.   When those requests failed, America Online decided to block all e-mail from Cyber Promotions and two other bulk mailers.

n. + mailer >>共 7
bulk 36.36%
junk 27.27%
campaign 15.15%
business 12.12%
anthrax 3.03%
sample 3.03%
sendmail 3.03%
bulk + n. >>共 180
carrier 7.77%
sale 4.38%
purchase 3.78%
mail 3.19%
discount 2.99%
mailer 2.39%
order 2.39%
commodity 2.19%
chemical 1.99%
quantity 1.99%
每页显示:    共 12